Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Blame the Gays--

Well it looks like the Catholic Church is trying to lay the blame for all of the sexual abuse scandals on Gay Priests. Those guys were not Gay, they were pedophiles. And there is a big difference!

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - In the first major ruling of Pope Benedict's reign, the Vatican on Tuesday imposed restrictions on homosexuals entering the Catholic priesthood, saying men must first overcome any ``transitory'' gay tendencies.

Gay groups around the world were furious. The U.S-based Human Rights campaign called on Catholics of all sexual orientations to complain to their local pastors.

I'm not one to curse, but this is fucking crazy. There are precious few men willing to live a life of celebacy and if they are gay or straight, I don't know why it matters. You are so right: those men were criminals and being gay doesn't make anyone a criminal by default.
But is it not true that the ignorant and the uneducated think that all gay men are pedophiles who will molest a boy at the drop of a hat - an uneducated statement from an uneducated group...
This is most reactionary pope I've seen in 1/2 a century. The next one is likely to make Pope John XXIII look like Ronald Reagan.

I hope I live to see it. My generation lost more in 1963 than just Jack Kennedy, our innocence and our virginity.
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