Thursday, November 10, 2005


Good News!

House suspends Alaska drilling push

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A solid phalanx of Republican moderates drove House GOP leaders to drop a hotly contested plan to open an Alaskan wilderness area to oil drilling as a sweeping budget bill headed toward a vote Thursday.

A plan to allow states to lift a moratorium on oil drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts was also axed.

--Notice that it was the Moderates in the House that killed the bill. Finally, hopefuly, they can take back control from the far right and do something good for the country as a whole. Could be that they also see the writing on the wall in the upcoming '06 elections and they started listening to their constituents who will vote their asses out and not big business interests. Could we actually have started to take back the country? I hope so!

I'm not convinced the center will hold. The extreme right is pretty nasty - especially to their own. It helps that DeLay is occupied. They'll withhold campaign funds, fund primary challengers and go so far as to fund attack ads.
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