Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Gold Digger!

Watching Leno again tonite! And OMG!

Too funny!

When he did the President Bush new rap video, I fell on the floor laughing my ass off!

To the tune of Kanye West's Gold Digger.

Condi Rice doing a break dance?

Did any one else find it as funny as me?

I am sure I can post it from YouTube tomorrow.....

unrelated to this post but... Was it just me or was Paula Abdul TOTALLY wasted on American Idol tonight? I know you watch and I hope you found it as entertaing as I did.
Sorry - but I am a Letterman man - and yea mamachristy - she was on something - or else off her meds!
How funny guys! I was watching at sis's tonight, and I said: Quote, I think Paula is back on the pain pills, end quote! Too funny!
I soooo need to watch Leno. He sounds hilarious!!! I didn't see the rap video yet; time to hunt the video down on You Tube or elsewhere. :)
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