Sunday, April 02, 2006


Randi Rhodes kicks ASS!!

Came home tonight and was channel surfing and found that Larry King had Bill Clinton and Randi Rhodes.

How could I pass that up?

Mr. Clinton was flawless, as usual.

And then he had a round table discussion with talk radio hosts. Two from the left and two from the right. (Fair and balanced like FAUX news used to claim.) Is it just me or did anybody notice that they stopped using that slogan a while back cause it was so unTRUE!

Well the Right lost against Randi Rhodes and Ed Schultz. They had some Martha somebody from here in Georgia and someone else who I didn't recognize representing the conservative side. I guess Sean Horrity and Rush Limp Paw were not available.

Randi Rocked! I love her. Be sure to check her out on Air America Radio.

Rant over!

randi's just like limbaugh...they both belong in a circus in my opinion. I gave AirAmerica a chance but it's become the very thing they complain about with the right wing radio nuts.

randi IS good at stirring the pot and boosting listenership, but she is as polarizing as the rest of them.

The world has never been black and white, it has always been gray, and as long as we keep it black and white it will never 'progress', it will simply rock back and forth alternating between extremes. but then, that's our nature isn't it?
Randi does kick ass. She does rant and rave too much, but if you listen to her facts, they are dead on. If you listen to her views, you might think of something differently then before. I ain't gonna lie, I tune into Flush Limpballs from time to time, but very rarely does he open my eyes the way Air America does.
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