Monday, June 05, 2006



So at lunch today, I stroll by the newspaper stand and catch the headline on today's Atlanta Journal Constitution "BUSH PRIORITY: GAY MARRIAGE BAN"!

There it was in all it's glory for the whole world to see in print!

I think someone has his priorities all wrong and I think his name is George!

Shouldn't his top priority be something else, like:

According to the latest Gallup polls, these are what the American people think he should be focusing on at the moment.

It's the Bush Administration smoke-screen...and as you can see it isn't working.
When you want to take attention away from real problems you find a scapegoat. Gays and illegal immigrants are this administration's scapegoats.
....well, it is election season again. Time to pull out the 'big gun' issues to roil the conservative masses - nothing better than those disgusting faggots to piss everyone off! God the Republicans suck.
Could not have said it better myself!
Tonito Bandito for president!!!
Mama Christy: I know! I hope the world is a better place for the boy in the future, even though the odds right now are against his innocent soul!

Donnie: Ditto!

cola boy: Dammit, I am an ex-smoker too!

Adam: I know! Taking responsibility is so NOT a republican party trait....

Reid: They can suck my ass!

Spider: Nice spider ass, tee hee!

Stolie: You are my biggest blog super hero and I love ya more than Your luggage....mwah!!
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