Friday, September 08, 2006


Busy Bee--

Wow! What a wonderful day I had working this morning at the Rome Area Council of the Arts office today. That was my "official" volunteer duty ( heh, heh, I said doody!!). I had to babysit the office today while the staff were doing the festival circuit. It was a blast! I met some wonderful people and I got to count the first official tallies of the awards votes from the audience and enter them into the computers. I fit right in! Volunteering to work these 4 hours (11AM-3PM) gave me my full weekend free pass to catch all the wonderful creative films from some wonderful filmmakers. And for that I feel privileged.

You blog buddies will LOVE the movie, "The Bread Squeezer". I promise. I ended up with a copy on DVD and I so want to upload to YouTube but I can't yet. There is another Festival that it is playing at. But smooches to Tal and Kasia and Susan. I love all of you after letting me hang with you today.

(to be continued)

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