Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Testify Sister!

So tonight I am over at sis's house for dinner and it's getting ready to be bedtime for the nephews. They have to have their nightly routines finished by 9pm. You know! Showered, in pajamas and teeth brushed or else! Tonight was a surreal experience to say the least.

"Goodnights" are said and off to bed they go. Or so we thought!

We had begun to watch TV and then it started. The nightly STALL!

Yep, multiple trips downstairs to "remind" mom of something they meant to tell her right after school. Mom, I didn't eat enough dinner and I am still hungry. Dad, I forgot to tell you that I need some help with my next school project. And on and on and ON! It's a nightly ritual, especially if the TV is on.

Well, Mom was having NONE of it tonight and she snapped! "Go to BED right now!"

They scurried and then my brother-in-law kinda' looked at her funny and she began to tell the story of HER day:

"First of all they have been this way all day long. After picking them up from school I have heard nothing but whining. "

"Like what?" he meekly asks.

"I asked them to clean up the carport and I got nothing but aw mom, or that's his and not mine, or no it's not mine it's JUST ZACK's"

It took me five times to ask them to bring in firewood!

And then, we stopped at the CVS and I had to lock them out of the car for ten minutes while they continued to argue and fight in the parking lot over who called "SHOTGUN!" first!

So yeah, "GO TO BED, RIGHT NOW!!!!"

Dave and I busted out loud laughing hysterically.

It was one of those priceless MasterCard moments!

(Note: if you clicked on the TV link and wondered why we were watching that show, it was TIVO'ed cause Sista was at a work meeting last night.)

Insanity is hereditary...parents get it from their kids! :-)
{{Tonito}} what a great story, I feel for your sis :)

Stay warm, it's even freezing down here South of ATL....
Your family is way too fricken normal Tonito.
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