Sunday, December 04, 2005


The Island of Misfit Toys--

It has come to my attention that some regular readers of the blog may be a bit confused about the cast of kooky characters that I find myself attracted too and therefore find myself always in the company of! So let's review:

The Main Characters -
Me (no explanation necessary, it's MY blog!). I have NO boyfriend!
Sis (One of my best friends) She is missing her fortune!
Bro-in-Law (my hero!) He is missing his family jewels! (there's an inside story there!)
Just Zack (my live vicariously through youth partner/nephew) He's missing something, we just don't know what, yet.

The Players--
The Good Doctor and his lovely wife (just because) We quite have not figured out yet what they are missing!
Miss Cinnamon and Mr. Bent (a spicy couple that we will learn more about soon). Missing something, but what?

Give me a few more weeks and more characters will become involved. Trust Me!

*giggle* I'd fit right in! I'm missing my mind! In fact, for 20+ years, the fob on my key ring says: "Of all the things I've lost, I MISS MY MIND the most."
LOL, Barbi!
I guess Bro-in-Law fathered your nephews before he lost his jewels?

From what you have said, I think The Good Doctor and his Lovely Wife are missing another boy in their bed! :)

Miss Cinnamon and Mr. Bent (as in get?) sound interesting... I look forward to hearing more...
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